'' But have you seen my records? This Heat, Pere Ubu, Outsiders, Nation of Ulysses, Mars, The Trojans, The Black Dice, Todd Terry, the Germs, Section 25, Althea and Donna, Sexual Harrassment, Α-Ηa, Dorothy Ashby, PIL, the Fania All-Stars, the Bar-Kays, the Human League, the Normal, Lou Reed, Scott Walker, Monks, Niagra,Joy Division, Lower 48, the Association, Sun Ra, Scientists, Royal Trux, 10cc,Eric B. and Rakim, Index, Basic Channel, Soulsonic Force, Juan Atkins, David Axelrod, Electric Prunes, Gil! Scott! Heron!, the Slits, Faust, Mantronix, Pharaoh Sanders , the Fire Engines, the Swans, the Soft Cell, the Sonics, the Sonics, the Sonics, the Sonics ... ''
Νο 9 LCD Soundsystem
( προτιμήθηκε του Sound of Silver )
Καταραμένος να 'σαι Alex Turner, που δεν έχεις κλείσει καν τα εικοσιτέσσερα ...
No 9 Arctic Monkeys - Humbug
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